Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Here We Go Again...

After reapplying for Peace Corps Service roughly 4 months ago, here I am on my way to Ethiopia, for another 2 exciting and life changing years as a Conservation and Natural Resource Management Volunteer.
Heres the story:
This time last year I was living in my first Peace Corps country, Niger, (see http://nicholeandniger.blogspot.com if you want the WHOLE story..) and loving life. Well, most of the time; like any other lifestyle, it had its ups and its downs- but I was at the point where I loved my job, felt confident in the language, and really couldn't ask for more. Then in the course of about 3 days in January 2011, the Peace Corps Niger world came crashing down as safety and security problems forced us to evacuate; leaving our homes, jobs, and lifestyles.
Evacuation meant making some tough decisions very quickly, including the decision to end service earlier than planned and head home. I COSed with the optomism that I was going to head to the US, find my dream job in a month, working in Wildlife Conservation or Zoolgy and live happily ever after.
Several of us werent quite ready to head to America though, and 5 of us newly COSed Volunteers headed off to Europe to readjust and get used to the idea of 'real' life again (secretly I think we were just all scared to aknowledge our Peace Corps Niger was over, which returning to the US would surely mean). After 6 weeks in Morocco and Europe with some truely great people, we finally, one at a time, headed home with a new plan and direction. Personally, I thought, ok, two weeks here, two weeks there, by then Ill have my dream job, DONE. But, life never turns out like we plan... I took small jobs here and there, applied and waited, and finally took a great job with Holland America Cruise line working as a Youth Staff in their kids club. It was a great job, but I truly missed the work I did in the Peace Corps, the lifetyle I got to live in West Africa, and the culture I was able to be a part of. I also realized that the field experience I was gaining as a Peace Corps Volunteer was possibly the best way to prepare me and lead me to that dream job I've always wanted; I think it came as a shock then, when I announced to my family that I had reapplied for Peace Corps and was heading off to East Africa in September. It is after all, another two year commitment, and that did make me a little nervous.
So here I am, bags packed, waiting for the bus that will take us to JFK, then on to Ethiopia. Having done this routine before, I feel like the veteran, having a pretty good idea what I'm getting myself into. At the same time, Ethiopia is completely new and unknown to me; I am so excited to learn and be part of a new culture and way of life, nervous (and excited) to begin studying a new language, and excited for a new community and job that will be the next two years of my life!!

So, long story short, I've started this new blog to keep everyone at home up to date on my life in the bush- that way, if you ever think, 'hmm, I wonder what Nichole's up to?' here it is :)
It's going to be a great couple years!

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